I am working with SQL 2008 database Im working on a report i want to display in a graph for me to do this i need to convert my results from columns into rows Here is my query
COUNT(CASE WHEN (pm.mortgagestatus) = 10 then 1 end) AS Received,
SUM(case WHEN (pm.mortgagestatus) = 10 then pm.AmountRequested Else 0 END) AS [Received Amount],
COUNT(CASE WHEN (pm.mortgagestatus) = 4 then 1 end) AS Passed,
SUM(case WHEN (pm.mortgagestatus) = 4 then pm.AmountRequested Else 0 END) AS [Passed Amount],
COUNT(CASE WHEN (pm.mortgagestatus) = 5 then 1 end) AS packaged,
SUM(case WHEN (pm.mortgagestatus) = 5 then pm.AmountRequested Else 0 END) AS [Packaged Amount],
COUNT(CASE WHEN (pm.mortgagestatus) = 6 then 1 end) AS Offered,
SUM(case WHEN (pm.mortgagestatus) = 6 then pm.AmountRequested Else 0 END) AS [Offered Amount]
FROM tbl_Profile AS p
INNER JOIN tbl_Profile_Mortgage AS pm
ON p.id = pm.fk_ProfileID
I would like the query to return like this.
This will allow me to put the data into a chart. Any help with this is most appreciated. Cheers
Use aggregation with a case
SELECT (CASE WHEN pm.mortgagestatus = 10 then 'Received'
WHEN pm.mortgagestatus = 4 then 'Passed'
WHEN pm.mortgagestatu) = 5 then 'packaged'
WHEN pm.mortgagestatus = 6 then 'Offered'
END) as Mortgage_Status,
COUNT(*) as Total,
SUM(pm.AmountRequested) as LoanAmount
FROM tbl_Profile p INNER JOIN
tbl_Profile_Mortgage pm
ON p.id = pm.fk_ProfileID
WHERE pm.mortgagestatus IN (4, 5, 6, 10)
GROUP BY (CASE WHEN pm.mortgagestatus = 10 then 'Received'
WHEN pm.mortgagestatus = 4 then 'Passed'
WHEN pm.mortgagestatu) = 5 then 'packaged'
WHEN pm.mortgagestatus = 6 then 'Offered'