I am doing a query with Zend DB (v1) but I can't find a way of include a SUBSTR statement on the query because have multiple parameters.
This is what I want to achieve:
FROM myTable
WHERE SUBSTR(myField, myVar1, myVar2) = 'xxx'
I need to use the Zend DB standard format but where does not seems to accept more than one parameter while I need to pass myField, myVar1, myVar2 as PHP variables ($myField, $myVar1, $myVar2). 'xxx' is not a variable here, is a fixed value.
$sql = $this->select()
->from(["t1" => "myTable"]])
->where( ... ); // Not sure how to implement this
Does anybody know how to achieve this?
After some try and error I found this workaround that seems to work:
$myFieldQuoted = $this->_db->quote($myField);
$myVar1Quoted = $this->_db->quote($myVar1);
$myVar2Quoted = $this->_db->quote($myVar2);
$sql = $this->select()
->from(["t1" => "myTable"]])
->where("SUBSTR($myFieldQuoted, $myVar1Quoted, $myVar2Quoted) = 'xxx'");