I'm new to picasso.using it i want to dynamically fetch images and be able to update the images whenever some new link has been updated. currently i'm only able to do this for a single Image. the code that i'm using is :
where url is the url to the image and image1 is an imageview. i want to diaplay 5 images into 5 different imageviews, iteratively. how can i do that ? also i wan to delete the cached images of picasso, so that i can update it with newer images. any help would be appreciated.
In your xml just add only this,
lets Say your URL Images Array like this.
String ImgAry[] = {"url1","url2","url3","url4","url5"}
In your onCreate()
viewFlipper = (ViewFlipper) findViewById(R.id.flipper);
for(int i=0;i<ImgAry.length;i++)
// create dynamic image view and add them to ViewFlipper
method in Your Activity file
private void setImageInFlipr(String imgUrl) {
ImageView image = new ImageView(getApplicationContext());