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Creating a function with variable number of inputs?

I am trying to define the following function in MATLAB:

file = @(var1,var2,var3,var4) ['var1=' num2str(var1) 'var2=' num2str(var2) 'var3=' num2str(var3) 'var4=' num2str(var4)'];

However, I want the function to expand as I add more parameters; if I wanted to add the variable vark, I want the function to be:

file = @(var1,var2,var3,var4,vark) ['var1=' num2str(var1) 'var2=' num2str(var2) 'var3=' num2str(var3) 'var4=' num2str(var4) 'vark=' num2str(vark)'];

Is there a systematic way to do this?


  • Use fprintf with varargin for this:

    f = @(varargin) fprintf('var%i= %i\n', [(1:numel(varargin));[varargin{:}]])
    var1= 5
    var2= 6
    var3= 7
    var4= 88

    The format I've used is: 'var%i= %i\n'. This means it will first write var then %i says it should input an integer. Thereafter it should write = followed by a new number: %i and a newline \n.

    It will choose the integer in odd positions for var%i and integers in the even positions for the actual number. Since the linear index in MATLAB goes column for column we place the vector [1 2 3 4 5 ...] on top, and the content of the variable in the second row.

    By the way: If you actually want it on the format you specified in the question, skip the \n:

    f = @(varargin) fprintf('var%i= %i', [(1:numel(varargin));[varargin{:}]])
    var1= 6var2= 12var3= 3var4= 15var5= 5553

    Also, you can change the second %i to floats (%f), doubles (%d) etc.

    If you want to use actual variable names var1, var2, var3, ... in your input then I can only say one thing: Don't! It's a horrible idea. Use cells, structs, or anything else than numbered variable names.

    Just to be crytsal clear: Don't use the output from this in MATLAB in combination with eval! eval is evil. The Mathworks actually warns you about this in the official documentation!