I am using continuous export and stream analytics for a Power BI report. But I have some problems configuring the inputs for stream analytics.
Continuous export writes data to a blob storage.
But when I click on "sample data" I got the error message:
"No events were found in 'input' for the specified time range".
But I am sure there is data stored for this time range.
My path prefix pattern looks like:
application insights resource_keywithoutdashes/Requests/{date}/{time}
My application insights resource has a whitespace and I have everything in lowercases.
I followed these steps: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/app-insights-export-power-bi/
When I inspect the blob where the data is stored I see the container named "stats". This container has a folder named "application insights resource_keywithoutdashes" and this folder has a folder Requests, in that folder there are folders for every day since I started Continuous export. This folders are named like "2016-10-04" and these have folders named 00, 01, 02 to 23.
I tried to change the path prefix pattern to "stats/application insights resource_keywithoutdashes/Requests/{date}/{time}" but then I got the error message: "Failed to sample data from 'export-input'." and in the details i got: "Operation Failed Unexpectedly. Activity Id: 'xxx'".
When I click test connection I always get the message "Successfully connected to 'input'"
Why can't I get sample data? What am I doing wrong? Do I miss something? Does anyone has some tips about how to configure this settings?
This page was helping me out:
On that page I found this full url and I found that I was looking at the wrong storage account.