I have tried Leadtool SDK to play 1080p DICOM video @30fps, But I have problem to read images from DICOM file, it taking long time to get Image from DICOM file.
If we have to achieve 30fps frame rate, then Image should be read within 33 Milliseconds, Because 33 Milliseconds is time between two frames for 30fps frame rate. Lead tool taking more than 50 Milliseconds to read single image/frame of 1080p.
Therefore I can't achieve 30fps frame rate for 1080p video.
Leadtool can read 720p video file, without any problem, just problem is there for 1080p HD video.
I am using below code to get Image.
RasterImage image = _Dataset.GetImage(null, count++, 0,
_DicomImageInformation.IsGray ? RasterByteOrder.Gray : RasterByteOrder.Bgr | RasterByteOrder.Rgb,
DicomGetImageFlags.None | DicomGetImageFlags.AutoLoadOverlays);
Please, someone can suggest me any solution for this or somebody knows any DICOM library than can enable to play 1080p DICOM video @30fps.
I have done it using FO-DICOM and Leadtool combinly. Now I am able to play 1080p DICOM video @30fps. FO-DICOM.