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How to pass options to CloudinaryField in Django Model?

I am currently using Cloudinary with Django to store user profile pictures and would like to pass parameters to it store it in a folder and and overwrite the existing image instead of creating a new one.

In my user model:

picture = CloudinaryField('image')

This works as expected with Django Admin and forms. I would just like the ability to store it in the folder users/USERNAME/profile and when someone updates their picture to delete the old one.


  • update

    The solution that worked in 2016 is no longer viable. According to the docs, the following will work:

    image = CloudinaryField(
        transformation={"quality": "auto:eco"},

    The allowed params are listed here and here in the code for version 1.17.0 or here in the docs.

    For example, I was confused with the keyword quality. I was using it directly when using the API but in CloudinaryField is not allowed.

    The proper way to define the quality of the uploaded photo is by setting:

    transformation={"quality": 80}.

    This is clarified in the docs where it is explained that:

    Note that when using the SDK for a dynamically typed language, the transformation parameters can be specified directly without using this transformation parameter.

    This worked perfectly:

    from cloudinary.models import CloudinaryField as BaseCloudinaryField
    from django.db import models
    class CloudinaryField(BaseCloudinaryField):
        def upload_options(self, model_instance):
            return {
                'unique_filename': False,
                'overwrite': True,
                'resource_type': 'image',
                'tags': ['map', 'market-map'],
                'invalidate': True,
                'quality': 'auto:eco',
    class MarketMap(models.Model):
        name = models.CharField(max_length=17)
        image = CloudinaryField()