I'm setting up WP Network on my localhost. I'm on windows, using Uniform Server, and I've setup a vhost like this:
<VirtualHost *:${AP_PORT}>
ServerAdmin [email protected]
DocumentRoot ${US_ROOTF}/vhosts/themeswp
ServerName themes.wp
ServerAlias www.themes.wp *.themes.wp
ErrorLog logs/themes.wp-error.log
CustomLog logs/themes.wp-access.log common
<Directory "${HOME}\vhosts\themeswp">
Options Indexes Includes
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
plus I've added this on the windows Host: themes.wp
If I go to
everything loads fine. If I try a third level domain, like
I get
Wordpress Network tells me this:
Warning! Wildcard DNS may not be configured correctly!
The installer attempted to contact a random hostname (9f3c9c.themes.wp) on your domain.
This resulted in an error message: cURL error 6: Could not resolve host: 9f3c9c.themes.wp
Right, themes.wp and dummy.themes.wp different domains
Fast way: add dummy.themes.wp to you hosts file dummy.themes.wp
Or install any simple dns server because hosts
not support wildcard domains