I have a class that contains a QMap object:
QMap<QString, Connection*> users;
Now, in the following function Foo(), the if clause always returns false but when I iterate through the map, the compared QString, i.e., str1 is present in the keys.
void Foo(QString& str1, QString& str2)
for(QMap<QString, Connection>::iterator iter = users.begin();
iter!= users.end();iter++)
Am I doing something wrong? Why doesn't contains() return true ?
With unicode, two strings may be rendered the same but actually be different. Assuming that's the case you'll want to normalize the strings first:
str = str.normalize(QString::NormalizationForm_D);
if (users.contains(str))
// do something useful
Of course, you'll need to normalize the string before you put it in your users map as well.