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ggplot geom_bar() customize by linetype and fill

I am using ggplot2 and geom_bar() to plot some statistics. Is there a way to customize the fillings in the bar, and the line type for each of the bars? I would like to highlight two key features: There are five bars overall and the numbers they represent are produced from two different types of input, and use three different functions I use for the plot. The bars should show the function, input variation. I thought of using full dark fill for one set of inputs, and white fill for the other set of inputs. For the functions, I could use different line types to show the contrast.

In summary the values from the bar represent outputs from combination of inputs X and Y on functions f1, f2, and f3: bar A: input X function f1; bar B input Y function f1; bar C input X function f2; bar D input Y function f2; bar E input Y function f3.

Any suggestions on how this could be possible? Here is an example I was able to try, but as you see it is not complete to what I want to achieve where I fill subcompact and midsize with a color, but how could I change the line type? and how could I use geom_text() for the text:


     ggplot(mpg, aes(x = class, fill = class %in% c("subcompact", "midsize"))) +
geom_bar(linetype="dashed", colour="darkgreen") + scale_fill_grey() + guides(fill=FALSE) + theme_classic()


  • Here is an example with three arbitrary (and arguable) classifications. Note use of dplyr to define the groups first to make the legends more easily. I am assuming that in most use cases, you would have (or could construct) columns similar to mine here with your data of interest.

    I am note sure why you would want to do this for this type of graph, but none the less, it is certainly possible.

    Note that I had to muck around with the linetype legend a little to make it display nicely.

    ggplot(mpg %>%
             mutate(`Small Car` = class %in% c("subcompact", "midsize")
                    , `Stuff Hauler` = class %in% c("pickup", "suv")
                    , `Uncomfortable for long drive` = class %in% c("compact", "pickup", "2seater")
           , aes(x = class
                 , fill = `Small Car`
                 , linetype = `Stuff Hauler`
                 , col = `Uncomfortable for long drive`
                 )) +
      geom_bar(size = 2) +
      scale_fill_grey() +
      theme_classic() +
      guides(linetype = guide_legend(override.aes = list(fill = NA
                                                         , col = "black")))

    enter image description here