In my storyboard I have a MapView
stretched to the borders of my screen. But there's a possibility to show up the keyboard, so then I update the constraints and the map shrinks in height.
This is my method responsible for that:
func keyboardWillChangeFrame(notification: NSNotification) {
let endFrame = (notification.userInfo![UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] as! NSValue).CGRectValue()
if(isKeyboardShown == true)
bottomConstraint.constant = CGRectGetHeight(view.bounds) - endFrame.origin.y+49
isKeyboardShown = false
} else {
bottomConstraint.constant = CGRectGetHeight(view.bounds) - endFrame.origin.y
isKeyboardShown = true
It works fine. Now I want to add the UIImageView
that is always centered on the map, no matter if the keyboard is visible or not. I thought it's enough to center the image in the perfect center of the map.
It so far looks like this:
I managed to add somehow the constraint on the Y
but what about X
I tried adding it here:
but the align
option is greyed out...
How can I add constraints so that the image is always centered no matter how the map is shrinked?
Try Ctrl+dragging from the image view to the map, and clicking Center Horizontally
You also might have a conflict with your Top Space to: Top Layout...
constraint and your Align Center Y to: Map View
constraint. It sounds like you just want the center Y constraint, since when your map grows / shrinks your image won't always be 192 from the top if it's centered on the map.