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Printing the URL from Pingdom using Perl

I'm looping through the decoded JSON returned from Pingdom's "Get Detailed Check Information"-API. I'm trying to print the URL in the JSON data, but I'm having a hard time doing so.

Here is the JSON response I got:

  "check" : {
    "id" : 85975,
    "name" : "My check 7",
    "resolution" : 1,
    "sendtoemail" : false,
    "sendtosms" : false,
    "sendtotwitter" : false,
    "sendtoiphone" : false,
    "sendnotificationwhendown" : 0,
    "notifyagainevery" : 0,
    "notifywhenbackup" : false,
    "created" : 1240394682,
    "type" : {
      "http" : {
        "url" : "/",
        "port" : 80,
        "requestheaders" : {
          "User-Agent" : "Pingdom.com_bot_version_1.4_("
    "hostname" : "",
    "status" : "up",
    "lasterrortime" : 1293143467,
    "lasttesttime" : 1294064823

And here's my Perl code that should print the URL:

my $decoded_info = decode_json($json) or die "Failed to decode!\n";
foreach my $check( $decoded_info->{check}) {
  print "$decoded_info->{$check}->{type}->{http}->{url}\n";

I've read the Perl reference and a tutorial but it still doesn't work.


  • You want

    $decoded_info->{check}->{type}->{http}->{url}    # ok

    and $check has the value of


    so you should be using

    $check->{type}->{http}->{url}                    # ok

    instead of

    $decoded_info->{$check}->{type}->{http}->{url}   # BAD

    By the way,

    my $check = $decoded_info->{check};

    is simpler than

    foreach my $check( $decoded_info->{check}) {