I wrote an Angular2 (v2.0.1) application that makes use of the router. The website is loaded with several query string parameters, so the full URL initially looks like this:
In my route configuration, I have an entry which redirects an empty route:
const appRoutes: Routes = [
path: '',
redirectTo: '/comp1',
pathMatch: 'full'
path: 'comp1',
component: FirstComponent
path: 'comp2',
component: SecondComponent
My problem is, that after the app has been bootstrapped, the URL does not contain the query parameters anymore, instead it looks like this:
Is there any way I can configure the router so that it keeps the initial query string when navigating?
Thank you
I don't think there is a way to define that in the routes configuration.
Currently it is supported for routerLink
s and imperative navigation to enable
You can add a guard to the empty path route, where in the guard navigation to the /comp1
route is done.
router.navigate(['/comp1'], { preserveQueryParams: true }); //deprecated. see update note
router.navigate(['/comp1'], { queryParamsHandling: "merge" });
There is a PR to allow to configure preserveQueryParams
Update note: from https://angular.io/api/router/NavigationExtras, preserveQueryParams is deprecated, use queryParamsHandling instead