I have 350 document scores that, when I plot them, have this shape:
docScores = [(0, 68.62998962), (1, 60.21374512), (2, 54.72480392),
(3, 50.71389389), (4, 49.39723969), ...,
(345, 28.3756237), (346, 28.37126923),
(347, 28.36397934), (348, 28.35762787), (349, 28.34219933)]
I posted the complete array here on pastebin
(it corresponds to the dataPoints
list on the code below).
Now, I originally needed to find the elbow point
of this L-shape
curve, which I found thanks to this post.
Now, on the following plot, the red vector p
represents the elbow point. I would like to find the point x=(?,?)
(the yellow star) on the vector b
which corresponds to the orthogonal projection of p
onto b
The red point on the plot is the one I obtain (which is obviously wrong). I obtain it doing the following:
b_hat = b / np.linalg.norm(b) #unit vector of b
proj_p_onto_b = p.dot(b_hat)*b_hat
red_point = proj_p_onto_b + s
Now, if the projection of p
onto b
is defined by the its starting and ending point, namely s
and x
(the yellow star), it follows that proj_p_onto_b = x - s
, therefore x = proj_p_onto_b + s
Did I make a mistake here ?
EDIT : In answer to @cxw, here is the code for computing the elbow point :
def findElbowPoint(self, rawDocScores):
dataPoints = zip(range(0, len(rawDocScores)), rawDocScores)
s = np.array(dataPoints[0])
l = np.array(dataPoints[len(dataPoints)-1])
b_vect = l-s
b_hat = b_vect/np.linalg.norm(b_vect)
distances = []
for scoreVec in dataPoints[1:]:
p = np.array(scoreVec) - s
proj = p.dot(b_hat)*b_hat
d = abs(np.linalg.norm(p - proj)) # orthgonal distance between b and the L-curve
distances.append((scoreVec[0], scoreVec[1], proj, d))
elbow_x = max(distances, key=itemgetter(3))[0]
elbow_y = max(distances, key=itemgetter(3))[1]
proj = max(distances, key=itemgetter(3))[2]
max_distance = max(distances, key=itemgetter(3))[3]
red_point = proj + s
EDIT : Here is the code for the plot :
>>> l_curve_x_values = [x[0] for x in docScores]
>>> l_curve_y_values = [x[1] for x in docScores]
>>> b_line_x_values = [x[0] for x in docScores]
>>> b_line_y_values = np.linspace(s[1], l[1], len(docScores))
>>> p_line_x_values = l_curve_x_values[:elbow_x]
>>> p_line_y_values = np.linspace(s[1], elbow_y, elbow_x)
>>> plt.plot(l_curve_x_values, l_curve_y_values, b_line_x_values, b_line_y_values, p_line_x_values, p_line_y_values)
>>> red_point = proj + s
>>> plt.plot(red_point[0], red_point[1], 'ro')
>>> plt.show()
If you are using the plot to visually determine if the solution looks correct, you must plot the data using the same scale on each axis, i.e. use plt.axis('equal')
. If the axes do not have equal scales, the angles between lines are distorted in the plot.