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How to integrate Codeigniter 3 framework with netbeans 8 or any version completly

When using Project Kenai works only on netbeans 7.*.

So we can use nb-ci-plugin by nbphpcouncil for the framework support in netbeans.

Even when using nb-ci-plugin there is no auto-completion for the codeigniter HMVC.

All the stack overflow question and answer were for just the codeigniter, but im using HMVC extension. No proper answers given for codigniter with HMVC.

question i refered

i refered lots of question and answers but noithing worked. please help.


  • Best netbeans plugin to use for codeigniter framework is nb-ci-plugin.

    When using nb-ci-plugin choose the correct plugin build for the respective netbeans version.

    steps to install this plugin is shown here - be sure to choose the correct plugin build/version

    and for the auto-complete for CI-HMVC just add


    contents leaving the <?php ?> tag and add it into the file __ci_auto_complete__.php in the netbeans from nbproject folder located in the root of your CI project

    add auto-complete for codeigniter HMVC in netbeans 8

    To enable auto-complete for your own Controller or Model just add it under


    for example add a line
    * @property Users $users to include your Users module controller.

    * @property Mdl_users $mdl_users for your Mdl_users model

    for autocomplete when typing $this->users-> use ↑ (up arrow) to select from the methods of Users