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Breakpoints not triggered in a method with yield-return

My function is like this

 IEnumerable<IPublishedContent> GetAllowedBlogs(IEnumerable<IPublishedContent> blogLandingNodes)
    foreach (var node in blogLandingNodes)
        if ("Condition")
            var blogsToDisplay = GetPostsForBlog(node);

            foreach (var blog in blogsToDisplay)
                yield return blog;
            var blogsToDisplay = GetPostsForBlog(node, catId);

            foreach (var blog in blogsToDisplay)
                yield return blog;

When i put a break point and check I can see result nodes yielding, But when i check here

  IEnumerable<IPublishedContent> posts1 = GetAllowedBlogs(node);

I get nothing, What is that I am doing wrong?


  • It's because all 'yielders' are converted to a lazy-enumeration.

    IEnumerable<IPublishedContent> posts1 = GetAllowedBlogs(node);

    This line only creates the enumeration of Blogs, but does not execute it.
    Nothing really ran yet.

    Try this one and see if your breakpoint worked:

     IEnumerable<IPublishedContent> posts1 = GetAllowedBlogs(node).ToList();

    (.ToList is from System.Linq namespace of course)

    FYI: this is not the point of the question, but you may find it interesting to see what yield really compiles into. The code and explanation under this link may be a little old, but main points will still apply: