Is it possible to think to have in future an automatic garbage collector in Delphi? There are many applications in which a higly detailed control on when to free an object is not so important and it is just an extra thing to care about.
For such applications having a kind of garbage collector that works like java's one would be interesting.
It could be set in the project options.
Will this possible or not?
Note: I don't mean to manually create it like explained here, I really mean a Delphi feature.
Stated in another way: is it possible to set FastMM to act as Garbage collector?
Garbage collection is possible in C and C++, so I see no reason why Delphi couldn't also have such a feature. If you cross your fingers and wait long enough, Delphi might get garbage collection. I don't see it as a priority for Embarcadero, though.
You can't set FastMM to act as a garbage collector because FastMM doesn't do garbage collection, so there's nothing to set. Delphi's hypothetical future garbage-collection feature would probably have to cooperate with the memory manager, so if such a feature ever exists, and FastMM is still the memory manager at that time, then FastMM will probably gain some settings.