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PHPExcel row break not working

. . . . I am using Codeigniter 3.1 and PHPExcel 1.8.

I have a function that creates a PHPExcel Object and returns it and the other function outputs the Excel to browser

Everything is working perfectly fine. Now on specific rows I need to add page breaks.

if($count == 4 || ($count > 4 && (($count - 4) % 6 == 0))){
    //echo("A - $row <br>Count - $count<br><hr>");
    $sheet->setBreak('A' . $row , PHPExcel_Worksheet::BREAK_ROW );

The echo is giving me my required rows, so the condition is working fine. The only issues is . . . . . page break not working. So any suggestions?

Following is the code used for generating the file

header("Content-Type: application/");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$file_name");
header("Cache-Control: max-age=0");
$objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, "Excel5");



  • Problem solved. Initially I was using the setbreak function while inserting rows. and whenever the condition meets, call the function. I was going through the code, got an idea, implemented it and solved. Instead of calling the function setbreak during row generation, i stored the row reference in an array, and then after doing all page settings, at the end looped the array and called setbreak on the rows and it worked :). Thanks Mark as discussing with you has helped me twice now :)