I'm using the following code added to my DBGrid - OnCellClick event
procedure TForm2.DBGrid1CellClick(Column: TColumn);
if dbmodule.comenziDataSet.Active then
if not Assigned(dbgridCelulaForm) then
dbgridCelulaForm := TdbgridCelulaForm.Create(Self);
dbgridCelulaForm.DBMemoCelula.DataSource := dbmodule.comenziSource;
dbgridCelulaForm.Visible := False;
dbgridCelulaForm.Visible := True;
dbgridCelulaForm.DBMemoCelula.DataField := Column.FieldName;
dbgridCelulaForm.Caption := Format('%s / randul: %d',[Column.FieldName, DBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet.RecNo]);
dbgridCelulaForm = name of the form containing the TDBMemo
DBMemoCelula = name of the TDBMemo
dbmodule.comenziDataSet = comenziDataSet is the name of the DataSet
and dbmodule is the name of a data module
(unit, like forms) - the DataSet
is on the data module
, so, dbmodule.comenziDataSet
dbmodule.comenziSource = same as data set, a DataSource on a data module, the source is named comenziSource
Ok so what this code does:
Once I click a cell on my DBGrid
it pops up a form
(named dbgridCelulaForm) which contains a TBMemo
(named DBMemoCelula) and it shows me the information contained in that cell (like, a Customer Name for example, or whatever the cell is holding, in my db)
This is fine, my problem is I can't select rows now in DBGrid
, well, I can but once I do the 1st place I click (a cell, any) on the particular row I want to select with my mouse, then cell activates and the form
pops up.
Is it possible to use this code in DBGrid
- OnDblClick
event instead of the OnCellClick
Meaning once i double click a row / cell the form
should pop up and show me the info, but double click - not single click.
That way, I can still select the row and still view the info in the cell if I need to.
Or any other way/place to use/receive this functionality. Any thoughts?
I can post a quick video of everything if my explanation is ambiguous and you think that would help, just tell me in the comment / answer.
Also, I'm using RAD Studio 10 Seattle and dbexpress components for the database - if that helps.
The following code shows how to access the Column and Row coordinates of a dbl-clicked cell of a TDBGrid, and the string value of the cell contents.
As written, it displays the cell's Column and Row number + string contents on the form's caption. Up to you what you actually do with these values.
It work because the dataset cursor on the dataset connected to the DBGrid is moved to the dataset row corresponding to the cell where the mouse pointer is.
TMyDBGrid = class(TDBGrid);
procedure TForm1.DBGrid1DblClick(Sender: TObject);
ACol : Integer;
Pt : TPoint;
CellValue : String;
// First, get the mouse pointer coordinates
Pt.X := Mouse.CursorPos.X;
Pt.Y := Mouse.CursorPos.Y;
// Translate them into the coordinate system of the DBGrid
Pt := DBGrid1.ScreenToClient(Pt);
// Use TDBGrids inbuilt functionality to identify the Column and
// row number.
ACol := DBGrid1.MouseCoord(Pt.X, Pt.Y).X -1;
ARow := DBGrid1.MouseCoord(Pt.X, Pt.Y).Y;
CellValue := DBGrid1.Columns[ACol].Field.AsString;
Caption := Format('Col:%d Row:%d Cell Value:%s', [ACol, ARow, CellValue]);
Note that I've used the Caption property of the form to display the grid cell info just as a quick n dirty way of showing the information somewhere. Of course you could equally well display it on another area of the form or somewhere on a different form entirely. The above code will work equally well in the grid's OnCellClick
event, btw.
As noted in a comment, you can use the grid's SelectedField
property instead of the above, but personally I think the above is more instructive of how to work with a DBGrid, because it shows how to get the cell's Column and Row coordinates. See the DBGrid's SelectedField
, SelectedIndex
and SelectedRows
properties in the Online Help for more info on useful properties of the TDBGrid.
Update You asked in a comment for an example of showing the information on another form. Let's suppose this form is called OtherForm
, is in a unit OtherFormu.Pas
and is created before the DBGrid1DblClick
evenbt is called. You need to use this unit in the Useslist of the unit which contains the DBGrid. Let's suppose this other form contains a TMemo control called Memo1. Then, you could write your DBGrid1DblClick
hanndler like this:
procedure TForm1.DBGrid1DblClick(Sender: TObject);
[as above]
[ as above ]
CellValue := DBGrid1.Columns[ACol].Field.AsString;
OtherForm.Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('Col:%d Row:%d Cell Value:%s', [ACol, ARow, CellValue]));