I think I am missing something basic here, can't seem to figure out what it is..
Querying BigQuery date partitioned table from Google cloud datalab. Most of the other queries fetches data as expected, not sure why in this particular table, select would not work, however count(1) query works.
select * from Mydataset.sample_sales_yearly_part limit 10
I get below error:
KeyErrorTraceback (most recent call last) /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/IPython/core/formatters.pyc in
__call__(self, obj)
305 pass
306 else:
--> 307 return printer(obj)
308 # Finally look for special method names
309 method = get_real_method(obj, self.print_method)
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/datalab/bigquery/commands/_bigquery.pyc in _repr_html_query_results_table(results)
999 1000 def _repr_html_query_results_table(results):
-> 1001 return _table_viewer(results) 1002 1003
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/datalab/bigquery/commands/_bigquery.pyc in _table_viewer(table, rows_per_page, fields)
969 meta_time = ''
--> 971 data, total_count = datalab.utils.commands.get_data(table, fields, first_row=0, count=rows_per_page)
973 if total_count < 0:
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/datalab/utils/commands/_utils.pyc in get_data(source, fields, env, first_row, count, schema)
226 return _get_data_from_table(source.results(), fields, first_row, count, schema)
227 elif isinstance(source, datalab.bigquery.Table):
--> 228 return _get_data_from_table(source, fields, first_row, count, schema)
229 else:
230 raise Exception("Cannot chart %s; unsupported object type" % source)
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/datalab/utils/commands/_utils.pyc in _get_data_from_table(source, fields, first_row, count, schema)
174 gen = source.range(first_row, count) if count >= 0 else source
175 rows = [{'c': [{'v': row[c]} if c in row else {} for c in fields]} for row in gen]
--> 176 return {'cols': _get_cols(fields, schema), 'rows': rows}, source.length
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/datalab/utils/commands/_utils.pyc in _get_cols(fields, schema)
108 if schema:
109 f = schema[col]
--> 110 cols.append({'id': f.name, 'label': f.name, 'type': typemap[f.data_type]})
111 else:
112 # This will only happen if we had no rows to infer a schema from, so the type
KeyError: u'DATE'
QueryResultsTable job_Ckq91E5HuI8GAMPteXKeHYWMwMo
You may be hitting an issue that was just fixed in https://github.com/googledatalab/pydatalab/pull/68 (but not yet included in a Datalab release).
The background is that the new "Standard SQL" support in BigQuery added new datatypes that can show up in the results schema, and Datalab was not yet updated to handle those.
The next release of Datalab should fix this, but in the mean time you can work around it by wrapping your date fields in an explicit cast to TIMESTAMP as part of your query.
For example, if you see that error with the following code cell:
%%sql SELECT COUNT(*) as count, d FROM <mytable>
(where 'd' is a field of type 'DATE'), then you can work around the issue by casting that field to a TIMESTAMP like this:
%%sql SELECT COUNT(*) as count, TIMESTAMP(d) FROM <mytable>
For your particular query, you'll have to change '*' to the list of fields, so that you can cast the one with a date to a timestamp.