Search code examples

What does the GraphQL schema/resolver look like for an object of objects?


    user_id: 'abc',
    movies: {
        '111': {
            title: 'Star Wars 1' 
        '112': {
            title: 'Star Wars 2' 

What would the schema and resolver for this look like?

This was my best attempt, but I've never seen an example like this, so really not sure.


type User {
    user_id: String
    movies: Movies
type Movies {
    id: Movie
type Movie {
    title: String


User: {
    movies(user) {
        return user.movies;
Movies: {
    id(movie) {
        return movie;


  • You're still missing a Query type, which tells GraphQL where your queries can start. Something like:

    type Query {
      user(id: String): User
      movie(id: String): Movie

    also, I think for your movies, you should have [Movie] instead of a Movies type and then id inside of it. So get rid of your Movies type and just do this:

    type User {
        id: String
        movies: [Movie]
    type Movie {
        id: String
        title: String