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Bash/MLT : how to load string from file and passing to melt argument

I need to execute the following command :

melt color:"#eeeeee"  -filter dynamictext:"this text"

"this text" is a string from a title.txt file.

I read the file by using this method:

while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do
     echo $line 
done < "title.txt"

The problem is how to make -filter dynamictext:"this text" in bash loop as string and then finally execute:

melt color:"#eeeeee" $string

I used this code but with no luck so far:

while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do
   string="$string -filter dynamictext:\"$line\""
done < "title.txt"

melt error : Failed to load "text"

title.txt contains:

this text
second text
anothe text


  • Use an array; this is the exact use case they were introduced to handle.

    while IFS= read -r line; do
        options+=(-filter dynamictext:"$line")
    done < title.txt
    melt color:#eeeeee "${options[@]}"

    Fix title.txt so that it correctly ends with a newline.