I keep trying to build a Docker images of my Maven spring boot project on my Mac.
Here is my build section:
When I run this command: mvn -X package docker:build
I get this error:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal
com.spotify:docker-maven-plugin:0.4.13:build (build-image)
on project Spring-Boot-ReceiverAPI: Exception caught:
Request error:
POST unix://localhost:80/build?t=uptake/Spring-Boot-ReceiverAPI: 500: HTTP 500 Internal Server Error -> [Help 1]
Here is my DOCKER_HOST:
All other docker commands run fine:
docker images
<none> <none> 384ed96af950 4 hours ago 640.9 MB
java 8 96cddf5ae9f1 10 days ago 640.9 MB
containersol/minimesos-cli 0.10.2 0f8fd0fee007 8 weeks ago 133.7 MB
The Docker daemon is clearly running, and the value of DOCKER_HOST appers to work fine for normal Docker command.
What can I do, to make the docker build work on Mac?
I have resolved this issue by enabling my regular user account to run docker commands without using sudo. Here is the build section of the POM:
And here is the command, which runs fine under a regular user account:
mvn -X package docker:build