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WAMP is not responding to external requests

Installed WAMPServer

Version : 3.0.4
OS type : 64 bit
Apache : 2.4.18
PHP : 5.6.19 / 7.0.4 (5.6.19 checked)
MySQL : 5.7.11

I've tried to look at the older overflow questions and answers and tried to do along as they said, however, I still do not have any connection to the wampserver.

What I've done to test

  1. Use localhost on the host laptop to check if wampserver is operational [SUCCESS]
  2. Use my IP on host to check if wampserver is operational [SUCCESS]
  3. Use my IP on other devices on the network in attempt to access a php file of the server in a directory. [FAILED]
  4. Use other devices to on the network to ping my host [Request timed out x4]
  5. Use tracert command as an alternative to 4 [Request timed out]

What I've done to the server

  1. Modification to httpd.conf

    Listen [::0]:80

    Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) Support//commented miscellaneous for LOAD MODULE

    ServerName localhost:80

    Deny access to the entirety of your server's filesystem. You must explicitly permit access to web content directories in other blocks below.

Directory//This directory tag has no reference to server
    AllowOverride All
    Require all granted

DocumentRoot "E:/Server/wamp64/www" 
Directory "E:/Server/wamp64/www/"
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks 
    AllowOverride All 
    # onlineoffline tag - don't remove
    Require all granted 

What I've done to the host laptop

  1. Fresh installation of WAMP
  2. Backup original httpd.conf
  3. Edited httpd.conf (Refer above)
  4. [FAILED]Added rule for port 80 to enable all - Deleted
  5. Disable all rules for inbound for port 80
  6. Look for rules in outbound for port 80 [NONE]

All of the steps I've described does not work at all. Has no experience in firewall configuration and WAMP configuration. And no virtual hosts except localhost

P/S: The example link I tried testing was The host is Win10 while the device on the similar network tested was XP. Any advice is greatly appreciated.


  • Found the problem. Win 10 apparently had this setting I have had forgotten about - Make this PC discoverable (OFF)

    I turned it off in the heydays of using Win 10 because of privacy concerns. Now it can be accessed. The next step is to figure out the forbidden access.


    The culprit for this post is the Windows 10 OS Settings. In order for all the settings to work (Assuming the person has done all the tinkering with httpd.conf and firewall and/or router), the PC hosting the server must be checked whether is the PC discoverable in the network settings.

    How to make sure it is discovered

    1. Open Network Settings by left clicking the network icon on your taskbar (either lan or WiFi) then click Network Settings right above the bottom most icons.
    2. Select Advanced Settings
    3. Under the item Make this PC discoverable, there will be a switch button. Make sure the button is turned ON otherwise, left click on that particular button.