In my system i have installed both sql anywhere 16 & 17, i need to create a database using sql anywhere 17 but while using the dbinit command in powershell its default taken sql anywhere 16.0.0 only
My Command is
$DBLocation = "E:After_Change123"
dbinit $DBLocation ---------> This Command is Working Fine But it creating DB in Sql AnyWhere 16
& 'C:\Program Files\SQL Anywhere 17\bin64\dbinit.exe' -dba xxx,yyyyyy $DBLocation
My Output is
S C:\Windows\System32> $DBLocation = "E:After_Change"
& 'C:\Program Files\SQL Anywhere 17\bin64\dbinit.exe' -dba dba,sql123 $DBLocation
SQL Anywhere Initialization Utility Version
Usage: dbinit [options] -dba <uid>,<pwd> database
@<data> expands <data> from environment variable <data> or file <data>
Options (use specified case, as shown):
-a accent sensitivity on all UCA string comparisons
-af accent sensitivity (French rules) on all
UCA string comparisons
-b blank padding of strings for comparisons
-c case sensitivity on all string comparisons
i want to create database in Sql anywhere 17.0.0 version how to do that help me
Thanks in Advance
You can specify the whole path. For example use:
"%SQLANY16%\Bin64\dbinit" -dba xxx,yyyyyy $DBLocation
to create a version 16 database.
See this manual page for other options.