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Qt keyPressEvent Error

I wrote this piece of code, but I get this error:

"left of '->key' must point to class/struct/union/generic type".

Considering that GUI is a class derived from the QWidget class, how can I properly catch the pressing of a key?

void GUI::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event)
    if (event->key()==Qt::Key_Up) {
        //do something

The keyPressEvent is declared like this:

    virtual void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event);


  • You have to include

    #include <QKeyEvent>

    then it should work as intended.

    Apart from that you should use the Q_DECL_OVERRIDE macro like:

        virtual void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;

    As @KubaOber mentioned, if you use a C++ Compiler supporting >=C++11 either by default or by you activating it with CONFIG += c++11 then you can use the override keyword instead.