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AngularJS - Karma testing with providers and injections

I am having a lot of trouble to write the unit test case for a provider that contains some injections.

The particular provider is:

(function () {
    .module('core.router', [])
    .provider('routerHelper', routerHelperProvider);

routerHelperProvider.$inject = ['$stateProvider', '$urlRouterProvider'];

 * This method Initializes the Router Helper provider to be used by all modules
 * @param $stateProvider
 * @param $urlRouterProvider
function routerHelperProvider($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {

    this.$get = routerHelperService;

    routerHelperService.$inject = ['$state'];

     * This method sets the methods to be used by the helper
     * @param $state
     * @returns {Object}
    function routerHelperService($state) {
        var hasOtherwise = false;

        return {
            configureStates: configureStates,
            getStates: getStates

         * This method configures all the states to be used by the application
         * @param {!String[]} states
         * @param {!String} otherwisePath
        function configureStates(states, otherwisePath) {
            states.forEach(function (state) {
                //console.log("adding state", state.state, "with config", state.config);
                $stateProvider.state(state.state, state.config);
            if (otherwisePath && !hasOtherwise) {
                hasOtherwise = true;

         * This method returns the states to be used by the application
         * @return {Object}
        function getStates() {
            return $state.get();
}  })();

The basic unit test is:

'use strict';

describe('core.router test', function () {

    // All Service injections
    var $urlRouterProvider, $stateProvider;

    // Mocks
    var m_url = function () {
    var m_state = function () {

    // Others
    var routerHelper, urlRouter, state, base;

    // Before statements
    beforeEach(module('core.router', function ($provide, _routerHelperProvider_) {
        $provide.value('$urlRouterProvider', m_url);
        $provide.value('$stateProvider', m_state);
        base = _routerHelperProvider_;

    // Starting the Factory
    beforeEach(inject(function (_routerHelper_, _$urlRouter_, _$state_) {
        routerHelper = _routerHelper_;
        urlRouter = _$urlRouter_;
        state = _$state_;

    describe('when testing it', function () {
        it('should return true', function () {

            //var abc = routerHelper.getStates();


I keep getting errors like:

  • Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown Provider: $stateProvider
  • Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown Provider: $urlRouterProvider
  • Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown Provider: routerHelperProvider

I tried several different module instantiations and several different injections, but I can't seem to make it work. When I take out the injections ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider and $state), the unit test is straightforward.


  • So, this would be the solution, bringing some complexity because the provider is using both the $state and $stateProvider:

    'use strict';
    describe('core.router test', function () {
        // All Provider injections
        var $urlRouterProvider, $stateProvider;
        // Mocks
        var m_urlProvider = mockDataCore.urlRouterProvider();
        var m_stateProvider = mockDataCore.stateProvider();
        var m_state = mockDataCore.state();
        // Others
        var routerHelper, base;
        // Define the mock providers
                $provide.provider('$urlRouter', m_urlProvider);
                $provide.provider('$state', m_stateProvider);
        // Start the module with the internal mock
        beforeEach(function () {
            module('core.router', function ($provide) {
                $provide.value('$state', m_state);
        // Load the provider with module to be able to call its configuration methods
        beforeEach(function () {
            module(['routerHelperProvider', function (_$urlRouterProvider_, _$stateProvider_, _routerHelperProvider_) {
                $urlRouterProvider = _$urlRouterProvider_;
                $stateProvider = _$stateProvider_;
                base = _routerHelperProvider_;
        // Inject and start the provider
        beforeEach(function () {
            inject(['routerHelper', function (_routerHelper_, $state) {
                routerHelper = _routerHelper_;
        // test cases
        describe('when adding one state and no "otherwise"', function () {
            it('otherwise should not be called and state should be saved to state list', function () {
                spyOn(m_urlProvider, "otherwise");
                spyOn(m_stateProvider, "state");
                var simpleState = [{
                    state : "home",
                    config : {
                        url: "/home"
                expect(m_stateProvider.state).toHaveBeenCalledWith("home", {url: "/home"});
        describe('when getting the states', function () {
            it('should return the states', function () {
                spyOn(m_state, "get");
                var states = routerHelper.getStates();

    The mock methods are:

    var mockDataCore = (function () {
    return {
        urlRouterProvider: urlRouterProvider,
        stateProvider: stateProvider,
        state: state
    function urlRouterProvider() {
        return {
            otherwise: function () { /* void  */
            $get: function () {  /* void  */
    function stateProvider() {
        return {
            state: function () { /* void  */
            $get: function () {  /* void  */
    function state() {
        return {
            get: function () {
                return {};
            go: function () {  /* void  */

    Of course it doesn't cover all the tests for this provider, but the rest of them are pretty straight forward..