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QT creator and ifstream filenam.c_str()

I created a C++ console application with QT creator 4.1.0 This application was originally created wiht Code Blocks and works fine.

this is the code

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main()
string nomeFile="";

cout << "\nNome file: ";
    cin >> nomeFile;                                // inserire nome file  ROF.txt da leggere

//ifstream leggiROF(nomeFile.c_str());              // apre in lettura il file ROF.txt
ifstream leggiROF("C:\\Users\\Massimo Di Natale\\Documents\\Programmi C++ 11\\Programmi_QT\\prova\\a.txt");

string riga="";
if(leggiROF)                                        // se lo trova
    while(!leggiROF.eof())                          // finché non raggiunge la fine del file
        getline(leggiROF, riga);                    // legge la riga
        cout << "Riga: " << riga << endl;
    } // end while
} // end if

else                                                // altrimenti
    cout << "\nIl nome file inserito non e' stato trovato!!!" << endl;
    cout << "Controllare che sia stato inserito nella cartella corretta.\n" << endl;

    exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);                            // termina il programma
} // end else

return 0;

If i specify the file name with its path on ifstream it work. If i want to insert the file name by cin and then use ifstream filenam.c_str() it don't find the file. I want to read the .txt file from the directory were the project or the .exe are


  • Try getline(cin,nomeFile); instead of cin >> nomeFile. Answers at "std::cin.getline( ) vs. std::cin" question describes the difference between them.