I'm try to use t32apinet.dll on host V (Win7 embedded 32bit) to connect with host W (Win 7 64bit). TRACE32 on host W is already configured in config.t32 to accept a connection:
; Remote Control Access
TRACE32 is running on W while I try to config the driver and to establish the connection from V as follows:
T32 = new T32API();
T32.Config("NODE=", "");//all Config returns 0 (no errors)
T32.Config("PACKLEN=", "1024");
T32.Config("PORT=", "20000");
T32.Init();//returns -1
//T32.Attach((int) T32API.Device.ICD);
On W I see incoming packages on port 20000 when Init() is executed on V.
Any ideas why Init() return with error?
Additional info regarding comments bellow:
calling t32remtest.exe port=20000 on remote PC returns:
error initializing TRACE32
error initializing TRACE32
although I saw the incoming packages in the sniffer there was no reactions from TRACE32.
The problem was that Windows recognized that network as public and blocked packages on the application level. Due to specific local IT policies the solution for me is to create a rule in windows firewall to explicitly allow communication on UDP port 20000: screen with settings for new inbound rule in Win firewall