All, I'd like to estimate the parameter P ,Q whose prior distribution is
P ~ N (A,B)
Q ~ N (C,D)
Then, I find the full conditional distribution of P,Q are
P|Q ~ N (A*,B*)
Q|P ~ N (C*,D*)
where A* is a function of A , B , Q [A*=f(A,B,Q)]
B* is a function of A , B , Q [B*=f(A,B,Q)]
Hence, in Gibbs updating step,
[First iteration]
[Second iteration] my question is: am I going to
In other words, do we use the same prior in every Gibbs step or we use previous step estimation result as our prior? I knew one of the concept of Gibbs is to update each parameter isolate, so I am going to use the information of Q_1 to update P_2. How about prior?
Use the same prior at every step. Do not alter the prior parameters after you have begun or you will not be performing Bayesian inference.