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Struts 2 using StringUtils in validator expersions

We are using Struts 2 validators @FieldExpressionValidator and @ExpressionValidator. These validators check on OGNL expression. There are lots of cases where we deal with Strings in these expressions.

expression="(captcha=='' && captcha== null || ....)

We find it is very useful if we can use StringUtils ( isEmpty ,trimToEmpty,... ) here.

As we set the struts.ognl.allowStaticMethodAccess to false, for security issues, we tried to solve it by adding this getter to action

public StringUtils getStringUtils(){
        return new StringUtils();

and then stringUtils.isEmpty(captcha) in the expression. But it didn't work.

To debug we tested

ActionContext.getContext().getValueStack().findValue("stringUtils"); //returns org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils@693ade51 which shows there is an object in the stack

ActionContext.getContext().getValueStack().findValue("stringUtils.isEmpty('dd')"); //returns null

Any comments ?!


  • isEmpty is a static method and should be accessed statically with class prefix. As soon as you are using OGNL you have to allow static method access or write a wrapper for the method, i.e.

    public boolean stringUtilsIsEmpty(String captcha) {
        return StringUtils.isEmpty(captcha);



    However, in JSP you can do

    <s:if test="captcha != null && captcha != ''">
      do something

    This is doing the same likeStringUtils#isEmpty().