I'm learning socket programming using C++ , so as a project I thought of a software that downloads all image search results for a certain search(eg."cats"), I'm using WinHttp and the exemple in here and giving it :
L"/search?q=cats&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiP9M3gtZTPAhXLKMAKHYSyDqIQ_AUICCgB&biw=1152&bih=634#q=cats&tbm=isch&tbs=isz:l "
The problem is that the HTML file in the response message contains what it seems to be an "Outdated" file That doesn't contain links to the real images, here it is (I can't give you the whole html file it's too long but here is an image
Research: I first thought it was a user-agent problem so I added user-agent header, but it didn't work.
The Problem: I want to get the same HTML result that I get when I search my browser for the same object
I found the problem it was the user-agent , just copied the user-agent from my browser