I have a project which I used to build via AppVeyor. The build sequence was the following:
The last step was done by the PowerShell command:
nuget pack path/tofile.nuspec -Version (get-item env:GitVersion_InformationalVersion).Value
As you can see the version is taken from environment variable defined by GitVersion. Now I want to migrate the build to a FAKE build script.
I have these dependencies defined in my script.
=?> ("GitVersion", Choco.IsAvailable)
==> "RestorePackages"
==> "BuildApp"
==> "CreatePackage"
==> "Default"
Git version step is straightforward.
Target "GitVersion" (fun _ ->
"gitversion.portable" |> Choco.Install id
Shell.Exec("gitversion","/l console /output buildserver" ) |> ignore
I can see in my logs that variables are set by GitVersion.
Adding Environment Variable. name='GitVersion_SemVer' value='1.1.1-xxx'
The next step is to create the package.
Target "CreatePackage" (fun _ ->
let version =
match buildServer with
| AppVeyor -> environVar "GitVersion_SemVer"
| _ -> baseVersion + "-local"
NuGet (fun p ->
{p with
OutputPath = packagingDir
WorkingDir = "."
Version = version
Publish = false })
I'm printing all the variables defined, after that I'm trying to get the version by reading variable and assigning it to version
Unfortunately version
stays empty when I run the build. After I added TraceEnvironmentVariables()
method call I can see that none of the variables defined by GitVersion is presented in the output.
As John Palmer and dustinmoris said the process started by Shell.Execute
sets all variables as process-level ones.
Is there a way to use Shell.Execute
so that the process can set global scope environment variables?
As a workaround, I've added extra step in AppVeyor.yml
config file:
- git config --global core.autocrlf input
- choco install gitversion.portable -y
- ps: gitversion /l console /output buildserver /b (get-item env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH).Value
- cmd: build.bat BuildApp
In this case, variables are set in a global scope and I can get them and use in my build script.
Obviously, PowerShell starts GitVersion in a different way. I guess, I should mimic it somehow in my build script.
So my question remains the same, how to use GitVersion as a target in my script and get the version number back.
Have you had a look at Fake GitVersionHelper? http://fsharp.github.io/FAKE/apidocs/fake-gitversionhelper.html
#r "packages/FAKE/tools/FakeLib.dll"
open Fake
open Fake.GitVersionHelper
let version = GitVersion (id)
printfn "FullSemVer %s" version.FullSemVer
printfn "NuGetVersionV2 %s" version.NuGetVersionV2