I tried to make the first letter replace with the last letter in a word. Here is my code for now. There is a text-area where you can't put text in and the words will be seen under each other. But I could not find a way to make a letter-change QQ
$array = explode(" ", $_POST["text"]);
if ($_POST["submit"])
echo "<pre>";
foreach ($array as $lijst)
if (strlen($lijst)>4)
$lijst1= substr_replace($lijst, $lijst[0],-1);
echo $lijst1;
echo "<br/>";
echo $lijst;
echo "<br/>";
echo "</pre>";
Try this.
foreach ($array as $lijst)
if (strlen($lijst)>4)
$first = $lijst[0];
$last = $lijst[strlen($lijst)-1];
$lijst[0] = $last;
$lijst[strlen($lijst)-1] = $first;
echo $lijst;
echo "<br/>";
echo $lijst;
echo "<br/>";
It will change the first and last in a word that has a string length larger then 4