The implication connective is printed as lambda expression in my coqide
(OS X El Capitan). is that the expected behavior? I would prefer to see them printed as in coqtop
. I couldn't find the option/command line option to change the display style.
Make sure the View → Display notations menu entry is checked in CoqIDE.
Coq by default pretty-prints stuff using notations.
A notation is a symbolic abbreviation denoting some term or term pattern.
The notation for ->
is defined in Coq.Init.Logic:
Notation "A -> B" := (forall (_ : A), B) : type_scope.
At this point we can conclude that Coq for some reason is unfolding notations for you.
In 'coqtop' (a toplevel, or REPL for Coq) or in ProofGeneral you can use the Vernacular commands
Set Printing Notations.
Unset Printing Notations.
in your proof scripts to control the output (one can read Set
/ Unset
in the commands above as Use
/ Do not use
Unfortunately, those do not work in CoqIDE v8.5: if you try it, you'll get the following error message:
This will not work. Use CoqIDE display menu instead
I guess the only reasonable option we have is to check the View → Display notations menu entry.