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Why some special characters are not supported in one signal?

I am using onesignal to send push notifications to mobile app from my webservice. but I realized that some characters are not supported, what can we do to resolve this issue? below is my postString sent to onesignal:

     postString = "{""app_id"":""myID"",""language"":""ar"", ""tags"" : 
     [{""key"": ""my_key"", ""relation"": ""="", ""value"": """ & my_value& """}] ,
     ""data"" : {""contactName"" : """ & contactName & """ }, 
     ""contents"" : {""en"" : """ & pushMessage & """ } }"

when I tried to send data like +-*/.!@#$%^&*()_+=-?><|":;'\ I got this error: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request. NB: When I changed language to en I got the same error. Any idea?


  • All unicode characters are supported. It's possible that the extra quote in your data caused this issue. Please make sure that your postString is in a valid JSON by escaping any single or double quotes and that should resolve this issue.