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Creating a document with Pandoc

I would like to create a Haskell program to automatically generate documents with Pandoc.

I created a small example document with the data types provided by Pandoc but when I launch my program, the ODT document is empty (But with the title My own test file in the properties) and the text file only contain the word Template.

This is the code snippet of my program :

import Text.Pandoc
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as Byt
import Data.Map (fromList)

main = do
  doc <- writeODT WriterOptions{ writerStandalone=True
                               , writerReferenceODT=Nothing
                               , writerUserDataDir=Nothing
                               , writerTemplate="Template"}  doctest
  let doc2 = writeMarkdown WriterOptions{ writerStandalone=True
                                        , writerTemplate="Template"}  doctest
  putStrLn $ show doctest
  Byt.writeFile "test.odt" doc
  writeFile "test.txt" doc2

doctest = Pandoc ( Meta {unMeta = fromList [("title", MetaInlines [Str "My own testfile"])
                                           ,("authors", MetaInlines [Str "My Name"])  ]} )
                          [Para  [Str "This",Space,Str "is",Space,Str "some",Space,Str "text"],HorizontalRule]

Both of the text file and the ODT docuement should contain the phrase This is some text and I don't understand why it doesn't appear.

Do you know what I have made wrong ?

Do you have a working example on how to generate a Pandoc file with Haskell ?


  • You have enabled the option writerStandalone which require a template to be defined to work properly. Personally, I don't use templates and I set the writerStandalone option to False

    To make it work, use these WriterOptions for the plain text writer :

    let textfile = writePlain WriterOptions{  writerStandalone=False
                                            , writerExtensions=plainExtensions
                                            , writerWrapText=True
                                            , writerColumns=80}  pandoc

    for the docx writer :

    docxfile <- writeDocx WriterOptions{ writerStandalone=False
                                       , writerReferenceDocx=Nothing
                                       , writerUserDataDir=Nothing
                                       , writerHighlight        = False
                                       }  pandoc