I work with streams:
data Stream a = Cons a (Stream a)
Particularly, stream transformer functions:
f :: Stream a -> Stream b
I would like to make a Mealy automaton out of such a function:
data Mealy a b = Mealy (a -> (b, Mealy a b))
Is there a way to write such a function?
toMealy :: (Stream a -> Stream b) -> Mealy a b
I can't find a way. Although the other way works easily:
toStreamTransformer :: Mealy a b -> Stream a -> Stream b
Maybe I'm missing something trivial?
This answer makes use of the Stream
abstraction provided by the streaming package. This abstraction:
Imagine you have a function like:
module Main where
import Streaming
import Streaming.Internal (Stream(Effect,Step,Return))
import Streaming.Prelude
transformation :: Monad m => Stream (Of Int) m r -> Stream (Of String) m r
transformation = undefined -- your code here
changes a stream of Int
values into a stream of String
values. It is polymorphic on the base monad, which means the transformation itself is pure. It is polymorphic on the return type r
, which means that the transformation always exhausts the source stream.
Now we write these auxiliary definitions:
data Feed a = Input a | EOF
trickster :: Monad m => Stream (Of a) (Stream ((->) (Feed a)) m) ()
trickster = do
r <- Effect (Step (Return . Return)) -- request a `Feed a` value
case r of
Input a -> Step (a :> trickster)
EOF -> Return ()
is a bit strange. At the outer level, it is a stream that produces a
values. But underneath, we have something like a Free (->)
monad (here also implemented with Stream
) that takes a
values and emits them at the outer level.
What happens if we apply trickster
to transformation
, and then merge the two Stream
layers using the unseparate
machine :: Stream (Sum (Of String) ((->) (Feed Int))) Identity ()
machine = unseparate (transformation trickster)
We can advance through machine
using the inspect
inspect :: (Functor f, Monad m) => Stream f m r -> m (Either r (f (Stream f m r)))
Here's a scary type:
ghci> :t runIdentity (inspect machine)
runIdentity (inspect machine)
:: Either
(Of String)
((->) (Feed Int))
(Stream (Sum (Of String) ((->) (Feed Int))) Identity ()))
It basically means that at a given step the machine either terminates (but the implementation of trickster
ensures that it will never do that unless we pass EOF
) or it produces a String
, or requires us to enter an Int
(We could have done without unseparate
, but the process of peeling the two Stream
layers would have been more confusing.)
(Also, see the blog post Programmatic translation to iteratees from pull-based code by Paul Chiusano for the original idea behind this code.)