I have this data frame:
bloqueados$HoraLlamada<- as.character(c(83048, 163112, 115929, 123632, 114541, 72807 163626, 130051, 81645, 121639))
If their the name of characters of each row is 5 I need to add a "0" at the beginning of the string. I am trying these code, but it is adding a "0" to every row:
for (i in bloqueados$HoraLlamada){
bloqueados$HoraLlamada2<- paste("0",bloqueados$HoraLlamada)
Several possible approaches to solve this problem have been described in the comments. Here's another one. It uses the stri_pad_left()
function from the stringi
nums <- as.character(c(83048, 163112, 115929, 123632, 114541, 72807, 163626, 130051, 81645, 121639))
stri_pad_left(nums, pad="0", width = 6)
#[1] "083048" "163112" "115929" "123632" "114541" "072807" "163626" "130051" "081645" "121639"