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Custom Data for Custom Events in HockeyApp

Context: HockeyApp can track custom events which is a feature that is currently available via the Preseason program. There are limitations to custom events including

a limit of 300 unique event names per app per week.

An event can be tracked by calling a specific method such as


Question: We've got the challenge that we need to log custom data per event such as time stamp information. How to achieve this?

Background: we use Application Insights currently and log performance information with events such as how long it took to execute a ask. We look for a solution (or workaround) using HockeyApp.


  • The API documentation on github shows it has the ability to add properties and measurements to the event:

    HockeyApp.MetricsManager.TrackEvent("Custom Event",
                                new Dictionary<string, string> { { "property", "value" } },
                                new Dictionary<string, double> { { "time", 1.0 } })

    The even names are limited but the number of times an event can fire is not.