When I do this query against my collection...
models.Project.find(function(err, result) {
//result = doc below
... I get this result:
_id: 57f36baa6cf34d079c8474a0,
code: 'ZMIA',
__v: 0,
_id: 57f36bb26cf34d079c847766,
project_code: 'ZMIA',
amount: 228,
__v: 0
_id: 57f36bb26cf34d079c84775c,
project_code: 'ZMIA',
amount: 250,
__v: 0
_id: 57f36baa6cf34d079c8474a1,
code: 'ZMJU',
__v: 0,
media: []
is a ref field. How can I aggregate the nested media objects (if present) to $sum
the amount
field and group the result by project_code
You can use the aggregation framework where you run an aggregation pipeline that consists of an initial $unwind
pipeline that will denormalize the media
field since it is an array and then a $lookup
operator to do a left join to the collection that has the media
refs. A further $unwind
operator is needed to flatten the array field produced as a result of the join and then do a $group
operator pipeline on the flattened documents to produce the desired result.
Running the following pipeline should work for you:
{ "$unwind": "$media" },
"$lookup": {
"from": "media", // <-- collection to join
"localField": "media",
"foreignField": "_id",
"as": "media_joined"
{ "$unwind": "$media_joined" },
"$group": {
"_id": "$media_joined.project_code",
"total": { "$sum": "$media_joined.amount" }
], function(err, result){