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When to use property injection?

  1. When should I use property injection?
  2. Should I use by default constructor injection if instance creation in fully controlled?
  3. Am I right that using a constructor injection I write container-agnostic code?


  • When should I use property injection?

    You should use property injection in case the dependency is truly optional, when you have a Local Default, or when your object graph contains a cyclic dependency.

    Property Injection however causes Temporal Coupling and when writing Line of Business applications, your dependencies should never be optional: you should instead apply the Null Object pattern.

    Neither should you use a Local Default, which is:

    "A default implementation of an abstraction that's defined in the same assembly as the consumer." [DIPP&P, Section 4.2.2]

    Local Defaults should not be used in Line of Business applications, because it complicates testing, hides the dependency, and makes it easy to forget to configure the dependency.

    Neither should object graphs have cyclic dependencies. This is an indication of a problem in your application design.

    Should I use by default constructor injection if instance creation in fully controlled?

    Yes. Constructor injection is the best way. It makes it very easy to see which dependencies a class has, makes it possible to make dependencies required, and prevents Temporal Coupling.

    Am I right that using a constructor injection I write container-agnostic code?

    This is correct. Constructor injection allows you to delay the decision of which DI library to use, and whether at all you use a DI library.

    For a more detailed explanation of the above, and much more, read the book Dependency Injection Principles, Practices, and Pattern (DIPP&P) by Mark Seemann and myself.

    The usefulness of property injection is so limited, that while working on the book, Mark and I even discussed labeling Property Injection an anti-pattern. In the end we felt we couldn't make a case that was as strong as, for instance, Ambient Context, which we did decide to describe as an anti-pattern in that edition. The case for Ambient Context was crystal clear, while being much muddier for Property Injection. But this is why, however, we added many warning notes to the Property Injection section (4.4), because we feel strongly Property Injection is not a good solution for the majority of cases.

    There are several problems, though, that Property Injection seems to solve at first, such as the problem of Constructor Over-Injection (where a constructor contains many dependencies). Constructor Over-Injection, however, is almost always caused by design deficits, such as: