I have a XML file which has that kind of structure:
<!-- There are a lot of primitive elements -->
I'm trying to parse this XML by using SimpleXML
public class Request {
// There are a lot of defined primitive elements
@Root(name = "root")
@Namespace(prefix = "a")
public class Root {
@Element(name = "request")
public Request request;
When I instantiate my object and want to show it as string, I get this error message:
org.simpleframework.xml.core.ElementException: Namespace prefix 'b' in class Request is not in scope
How to deal with paths, which have different prefixes?
Since you use two different namespaces, you should declare both of them:
@Root(name = "root")
@Namespace(prefix = "a" , reference="ref_a"),
@Namespace(prefix = "b", reference="ref_b")})
public class Root {
Hope it helps.