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Realm collection query

I want to build a query in realm(java) that satisfies this condition: All the books that have a tag with type X and name like Y. Here my realm classes:

class Book extends RealmObject {

    public RealmList<Tag> tags;

    public int fileType;

    public String title;

class Tag extends RealmObject {

    public Book book;

    public int type;

    public String name;

I have to use a query based on Book, so the query must begin like this:


But I can't build query as I want. I tried this:

  .equalTo("tags.type", X)
  .contains("", Y)

This query means books that any of it's tags.type equals to X and any of it's contains Y.

But I wanna apply both condition to same Tag object.

How can I do this?



  • Link queries can be a bit hard to wrap your head around, but we have a full example with explanations here:

    In your case you need to rewrite it into this:

      .equalTo("tags.type", X)
      .contains("", Y)