I am trying to code an SQL Server 2012 Query using the AdventureWorks 2012 database as part of a school assignment and I created my query but i am unsure if it is clean enough and properly configured.
I am supposed to Use a Subquery and a Join statement together.
"Return the customerid & territory id from the Customer table where the name on the SalesTerritory table is ‘Central’"
I am not asking for help to cheat in any way, i just need a second pair of eyes because i am having a tough time figuring this out, I am barely able to program and have little love for it.
Here is my Query so far:
SELECT Sales.Customer.CustomerID
, Sales.Customer.TerritoryID,Sales.SalesTerritory.Name
FROM Sales.Customer
INNER JOIN Sales.SalesTerritory
ON Sales.Customer.TerritoryID = Sales.SalesTerritory.TerritoryID
WHERE (Sales.SalesTerritory.Name = N'central')
SELECT Sales.Customer.CustomerID, Sales.Customer.TerritoryID, SalesTerritoryFiltered.Name
FROM Sales.Customer
FROM Sales.SalesTerritory
WHERE Sales.SalesTerritory.Name = N'central') SalesTerritoryFiltered
ON Sales.Customer.TerritoryID = SalesTerritoryFiltered.TerritoryID
This one has an inner join and subquery containing your filtered results. Untested but should work.