I have an Ecommerce website build with UCommerce. During the checkout process the user will be redirected to the payment portal for the payment.
I want to prevent users from adding new items in the basket while the user is in the payment portal. My current solution is to save the basket to a Session before redirecting the user to the payment portal.
Session["checkoutOrder"] = TransactionLibrary.GetBasket(!TransactionLibrary.HasBasket()).PurchaseOrder;
How can I overwrite the current basket with the one in the Session After the payment? This is to revert the basket to its original state before the payment.
I tried this:
public ActionResult ExecutePayment()
var order = Session["checkoutOrder"] as PurchaseOrder;
But I'm getting an error on order.Save():
Batch update returned unexpected row count from update; actual row count: 0; expected: 1
I'd just add to this as well that your Session["orderInProcess"] is an anti pattern in uCommerce. You may run into nasty exceptions as you're persisting NHibernate entities through requests which can/will lead to Session disposed exceptions. It may also lead to the initial exception that you're experiencing as you're actually by-passing the sesssion state of NHibernate.
Just use TransactionLibrary.GetBasket(!TransactionLibrary.HasBasket()).PurchaseOrder;
every time you're retrieving your basket. NHibernate will take care of caching the order for you.
Then you can use order properties to save the state you're in.
var basket = TransactionLibrary.GetBasket(!TransactionLibrary.HasBasket()).PurchaseOrder;
basket["CheckoutInProcess"] = "True";
Best regards Morten