I am setting up the Hortonworks Hadoop stack on a single instance RHEL 7 node. I am stuck in the part where I am setting up my ambari-server
, using my PostgreSQL 9.2.15 database (not default, not embedded).
I also intend to use this same PostgreSQL instance for Hive and Oozie.
After following the instructions from here:
Here's how I named my database, user and schema:
ambari, ambari, ambari
hive, hive
oozie, oozie
This is how I configured my /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf file:
# Default
local all all peer
host all all ident
# added settings
local all ambari md5
host all ambari md5
host all ambari ::/0 md5
host oozie oozie <my-host-ip>/0 md5
host hive hive <my-host-ip>/0 md5
I run this, for Hive and Oozie:
$ ambari-server setup --jdbc-db=postgres --jdbc-driver=/usr/share/java/postgresql-jdbc.jar
Then for the actual Ambari setup
$ ambari-server setup
Enter advanced database configuration [y/n]? y
Enter choice (1): 4
Hostname (localhost): <my-fqdn-host-name>
Port (5432):
Database name (ambari):
Postgres schema (ambari):
Username (ambari):
Enter Database Password (bigdata) : <my-ambari-password>
However, I can't start the ambari-server, as I get this from /var/log/ambari-server/ambari-server.log on a number of lines:
Internal Exception: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "ambari"
Although I am sure that my password is correct, and I can even connect using
$ psql -h <my-fqdn-host-name> -U ambari -d ambari -W
password: <my-ambari-password>
$ psql -h <my-host-ip> -U ambari -d ambari -W
password: <my-ambari-password>
However, I can't connect with
$ psql -h localhost -U ambari -d ambari -W
password: <my-ambari-password>
psql: FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "ambari"
$ psql -h -U ambari -d ambari -W
password: <my-ambari-password>
psql: FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "ambari"
And I get the same error as what I get from /var/log/ambari-server/ambari-server.log. I suspect that ambari-server setup
is connecting via localhost, that's why I get the same error.
Can you tell what's wrong with my configuration with Ambari and/or Postgres?
The problem is your pg_hba.conf
It is parsed from top to bottom, and the first matching line is used.
In your case, the line chosen is
host all all ident
(you seem to connect from localhost) which is not what you want.
Either remove that line or move it to the end of the file.