I was using LZMA data compression in an extension based on NSData+Compression.swift which worked totally fine till iOS 10 and auto-conversion to Swift 3. After auto-conversion the class looks like this:
import Compression
extension Data {
static func compress(_ data: Data) -> Data {
let sourceBuffer = (data as NSData).bytes.bindMemory(to: UInt8.self, capacity: data.count)
let sourceBufferSize = data.count
let destinationBuffer = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>.allocate(capacity: sourceBufferSize)
let destinationBufferSize = sourceBufferSize
let status = compression_encode_buffer(destinationBuffer, destinationBufferSize, sourceBuffer, sourceBufferSize, nil, COMPRESSION_LZMA)
if status == 0 {
print("Error with status: \(status)")
print("Original size: \(sourceBufferSize) | Compressed size: \(status)")
return Data(bytesNoCopy: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>(destinationBuffer), count: status, deallocator: .free)
Now the output of the method is always empty with a compressed size of 0. Can you help me finding out whats wrong with this code?
As Martin R suggested the problem was that the destination buffer was too small.
Instead of using data.count
I now use (data as NSData).length
which results in the same sizes as before with Swift 2's NSData. Additionally I increased the destination buffer size by a factor of 2 - just to be sure that it will always work.
Thank you for your quick answer!