I want to unzip a file, but if some file exists, this mustn´t be replaced.
I tried this:
<unzip src="compress.zip" dest="dirTo" overwrite="false">
<include name="dirFrom/**"/>
"dirFrom", is the name from the directory IN the compress file, what I want to extract. I use "overwrite" to false, but it doesn´t work, and it ovewrites.
I have a directory, and this has different subdirectories. I want one of those subdirectories, with it´s files and sub-subdirectories.
I found how to do it.
1st, I extract everything to auxiliar directory. 2nd, I make a loop, to compare file by file, if that file exists. 3rd, If the file doesn´t exists, I copy it.
<unzip src="compressFile.zip" dest="dirAux">
<include name="mySubDir/**"/>
<fileset id="fileset1" dir="dirAux/mySubDir" />
<property name="newContentMySubDir" refid="fileset1"/>
<for param="nameFile" list="${newContentMySubDir}" delimiter=";">
<not><available file="${finalDir}/mySubDir/@{nameFile}" type="file"/></not>
<copy tofile="${finalDir}/mySubDir/@{nameFile}" file="dirAux/mySubDir/@{nameFile}"/>