I'm trying my implement a very basic full text search in my Phoenix application using Ecto and PostgreSQL. Based on one example and PostgreSQL docs I have in my controller:
def search(conn, %{"q" => para}) do
search = User |> User.search(para) |> Repo.all
render(conn, "search.html", search: search)
and in my "model" file (along with the definition of the User
def search(query, search_term) do
(from u in query,
where: fragment("to_tsvector(u.name) @@ plainto_tsquery(?)", ^search_term),
order_by: fragment("ts_rank(to_tsvector(u.name), plainto_tsquery(?)) DESC", ^search_term))
I'm getting this error:
ERROR (undefined_table): missing FROM-clause entry for table "u"
Isn't from u in query
, enough (name
is one of User
You can't use u.name
like that. u
is just a name that exists in Elixir when compiling the query to SQL. It gets renamed while it is compiled. You need to add another ?
to fragment
and pass u.name
for that:
def search(query, search_term) do
from u in query,
where: fragment("to_tsvector(?) @@ plainto_tsquery(?)", u.name, ^search_term),
order_by: fragment("ts_rank(to_tsvector(?), plainto_tsquery(?)) DESC", u.name, ^search_term)